Tuesday, 5 April 2011


Here be number 2 my lovelies :)


You keep the kind of secrets
that only ex's can possess
that sets friendships apart
and with no line ever set to cross
that distance is fine with all involved
but sometimes, just sometimes
a coldness drifts through the distance
like a cool winter breeze
through bare, lonesome trees
surrounded in groups
but standing alone
the way wood is raised
from the cradle of the ground to do
knowing that to be part
of one as a whole
is the full stop of a fire in heat
labelled the end
in the embers and ash
no one looks through
for any remaining sign of life
cause when the wood is cut
and roots severed
no worthwhile life will ever roam
through layers of crisp, wooden skin
hard and tight,
tired and worn,
weathered by more than just winter storms
the axe plays white knight to
or more accurately
through the flickering fizz of flames
you whail
frying pan (, oh frying pan you bastard you into the fire I go from you.)


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