Thursday, 6 January 2011

Update- Blog & Poppyrock

Welcome to the improved world of Holly's thoughts & words, formely known as HollyRoachWordAndSight but taking a leaf out of Prince's book it now goes by the name of Inked Girls Write... If you've ever got yourself a copy of any of my handmade poetry merch the name will not be a stranger to you :) Speaking of which I noticed looking over my old posts in the revamp 2 things- I haven't posted anything for ages and also I didn't update you on the Poppy situation.  In a nutshell Poppy had not been hit by a car at all, as thought.  She had a couple of weeks of antibiotics & a couple of overnight stays at the vets.  She had to have the x-ray in the end & surgery to remove the growth on her back, which was dead tissue from an old wound and not Cancer thankfully- some of the tissue had to be sent away for testing to check it wasn't cancerous.  After being under house arrest for a month, & doing fine after her many stitches were removed & the hair had grown back a bit I let her out again.  She loved it & was climbing up every tree in sight! :)  A few months later now and she is doing fine.  You can hardly even tell where she had her stylish haircut! :)

The Poppyrock range is still avaliable if you would like any of the items listed in the last post.  I had a few sales but still had to shell out a lot from my savings.  Good job I didn't go to Aldeburgh Poetry Festival in November like I normally do cause frankly I wouldn't have had the money for Poppy then!

Here are a couple of pics of the Poppyrock book.


Doesn't it look lovely and homemade, all by hand.  Don't you just want yourself a copy?  And 1 for all your friends too!... :)  Visit or to get yourself in possession of lovely wordyness.  With time I should be getting all the Poppyrock range up on Etsy.
Etsy is a fantastic site full of handmade, vintage and crafty things.  It's like Ebay's crafty, cooler cousin.  And no competative bidding you just buy the items out straight.  I love it :)

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