Wednesday, 7 April 2010

5/ 30 Re-edit In Rose

I wrote this yesterday after I got home after the excellent
'Writing on The Wall' exhibition launch I was a part of.
( )
Somewhat influenced a little, well the first and second to last line anyway from chattiing to Mister Mike Rouse- Deane I think since his book is called 'Last' about a man alone. :)
Here it is enjoy...hopefully :)



You are the last man standing
in a room of crowded foes,
all fallen by the wayside,
sliced by the bitter blow
of a perfectly timed comeback
and harsh remark
no amount of confidence
and self love can come back from.

While you reign supreme
throughout all the days
passing by
like faces on missed trains
you will never see
but can only imagine
with imagery to rival Picasso or Monet

cause what you invisage unfolding
is different entirely
cause you're laid by the wayside
like all the other fallen.
There was no escape for anyone.
You suffered the bitterest of blows,
just like they all did
that you re-edit in rose to suit your desires

to be the last man standing,
not just one more lost soul.

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